Research and Awards

Climate Action Now!

Climate Action Now! is a cross-sector initiative to scale and accelerate climate action. We are starting with the agriculture and food sector, building a community of practice, developing and implementing concrete climate action projects, and paving the path for the systems transitions needed to reduce carbon emissions on a global level. You can sign up through the I2Hub (click on the image) and the team will get in contact with you.

It is not too late for Climate Action!

Learn more and join this initiative through the I2Hub as community partner.

Best schools award: the educational institutions on a mission

Telfer as an ESG-minded school — with sustainability-focused curricula and low-carbon campuses — have shown a willingness to address the pressing needs of society and the environment

SDG Week Canada at Telfer

Having pledged to embed sustainable development goals (SDG) across research, teaching and outreach activities, the Telfer School of Management participated in its first ever SDG Week Canada by organizing and hosting numerous activities for the university community, welcoming hundreds of students, faculty and staff during the week of March 6th to 10th, 2023.

About the academy

Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission recognized that, among other things, Indigenous Peoples need to be included in the business world on their own terms. Thus, the event’s overall goal is to support Indigenous self-determination and economic reconciliation by enhancing Indigenous research and research training for the next generation of Indigenous and non-Indigenous management and organization researchers. This event is a direct response to the Commission’s call, one that benefits our whole society.


Ana María Peredo leads the International Academy of Research in Indigenous Management and Organizational Studies. She is a Canada Research Chair tier 1, Full Professor of Social and Inclusive Entrepreneurship at the Telfer School of Management and  also a Professor (on leave) of Political Ecology at the School of Environmental Studies and was also Director of the Centre for Co-operative and Community-Based Economy at the University of Victoria, Canada. Dr. Peredo’s work has contributed to understanding the ways communities can address poverty by constructing rewarding and sustainable livelihoods out of resources in their distinctive cultures and environments. She draws on her academic training in Anthropology and Management and extensive experience in the Andes of her native Peru to explore alternative economies and their impact on the social and environmental aspects of community.